Carter BloodCare sends 120+ units of blood to support emergency health care needs in areas hard-hit by Hurricane Ian
Texans urged to pitch in to help fellow Americans by giving blood and platelets now
Carter BloodCare is urging Texans to schedule blood or platelet donations as soon as possible to help those impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Ian.
The Texas-based blood center has committed red blood cells to nonprofit blood collection sites in Florida. Ahead of Hurricane Ian’s landfall, Carter BloodCare proactively shipped 24 units of O positive blood on Monday, Sept. 26, with 100 additional units committed and to be sent as soon as logistics channels allow.
Working together with blood center colleagues in Florida, the Carter BloodCare team will continue to monitor this evolving situation, and is prepared to send more units as needed.
Carter BloodCare officials are asking all eligible individuals to step up to donate these lifesaving resources.
“The need for platelets is especially urgent, since they have a limited shelf life of only five to seven days,” said Veronica Moore, Vice President of Marketing and Operations Support with Carter BloodCare. “O negative blood is also in demand. O negative is the universal blood type, meaning it can be used to treat any patient in critical need, regardless of their individual blood types, as well as premature and unborn babies.”
Damage from Hurricane Ian will contribute to significant disruptions in blood collections and transportation challenges across Florida and the Southeast. This will likely drain already low blood supplies.
International transfusion association AABB noted that, on average, U.S. blood collection organizations had only one to two days’ supply of blood before the Category 4 storm.
Blood centers must have a readily available blood supply on the shelves in the event of emergencies, as well as for daily medical procedures such as surgeries and cancer treatments, Moore emphasized.
“Donating blood is a powerful way to support those in need across Florida and the southeastern United States,” she said. “We’re asking everyone who can to please donate to help our fellow Americans who need all of us right now.”
To schedule a lifesaving donation at a nearby Carter BloodCare location, donors can call 800-366-2834 or visit CarterBloodCare.org and click the Donate Now tab.
About Carter BloodCare
Carter BloodCare is an independent, community blood center providing transfusion resources to more than 200 medical facilities in 50-plus counties of North, Central and East Texas. The nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization is one of the largest blood programs in Texas, delivering more than 440,000 blood products annually to meet hospitals’ requirements for their patients. Services include collection, processing, specialized laboratory testing, storage and distribution of blood and blood products.
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