Transfusions guide Dani on renewed path of healing and helping others

Transfusions lead to a renewed path of healing and helping others
A heartbreaking health emergency led Dani Blanton to begin a journey of personal discovery and purpose.
She shared how the simple kindness of donating blood has life-changing repercussions:
In 2017, I was rushed to the hospital, doubled over with excruciating pain. I had been uncomfortable for a couple of days prior; worker bee that I was, I still went in to work after taking a couple of days off.
Half an hour into my shift as a waitress, I told my boss I needed to go. By the time I made it to my car, I was cramping with pain and screaming.
A co-worker saw me and knew I was unable to drive. She called 911. In a flash, I was loaded in my first ambulance ride, sirens blaring, and the investigation of what was causing my pain began.
Nothing the paramedics gave me relieved the painful convulsions. At the hospital, I was rushed to the emergency room. Several questions and tests followed, one being a sonogram.
The doctor said I had an ectopic pregnancy. Knowing one of my fallopian tubes was already shot and this ectopic pregnancy was on the other side, my heart sank.
The doctor gave me a shining light of hope on this dark day. He said a shot could save my fertility. I decided to try. I had always dreamed of having a baby and deeply wanted to extend our family with a child.
After the shot, I was admitted for observation. The pain never stopped. I went in and out of dreamy wakefulness and restless sleep. My blood pressure was so very low.
They gave me a transfusion because I was losing blood. I felt better afterward, but my blood pressure dropped again, and they gave me more blood. My OBGYN came to my side immediately and I was headed to emergency surgery.
After the surgery, I woke, mourning the loss of my baby and the ability to have children.
The one thing I did have was my life. I started to think about my purpose. What was I doing with my life?

Not long after, I began going to yoga classes. I started to heal my physical body, found peace for my mind, and my heart was on the mend. I found my purpose through healing.
I started yoga training in 2018, graduated in 2019 and now I help lead people down this path of healing.
I would not be here if it were not for Carter BloodCare and the kind, selfless people who donate blood. I never really thought about blood donation before my transfusions, but now I donate regularly. Donating blood saves lives.
I am forever grateful and will continue to give back for the duration of my life here on this earthly journey. It took a life-and-death experience to realize: What we do in this life matters.
The need is nonstop for blood, platelets and plasma. You can make a lifesaving difference for neighbors in need by donating at a Carter BloodCare donor center or mobile blood drive near you, or call 800-366-2834 today.
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