Megan shares, “I would not be here to raise my daughters” without blood donations

Transfusion recipient Megan Jeske and family

“I would not be here to raise my daughters without your lifesaving gift.”

Transfusions are needed in one out of every 83 childbirths in the United States.

And, according to America’s Blood Centers, the rate of transfusions during deliveries has increased 54% in recent years.

Megan J. from Olney, TX

Hemorrhaging during or after delivery can lead to severe anemia. Thus, transfusions are essential for replenishing the patient’s lost blood and ensuring the well-being of both mother and newborn.

“I am very thankful for blood donors,” said Megan Jeske, a mother of four in Olney, Texas, a community 100 miles northwest of Fort Worth.

Megan received one unit of blood after the birth of her third daughter.

She required even more lifesaving units following delivery of her fourth daughter. Because of retained placenta complications, Megan was in critical need of blood, but there was another problem:

“Our hospital was out of blood,” Megan said. “I’d already had two units of blood and they were out. The doctor thought it best to fly me to Fort Worth to have a higher level of care and to receive more blood products.”

An emergency airlift quickly transported Megan from the hospital in Olney to a surgical center in Fort Worth. Once there, she received three additional transfusions.

“After I received the blood transfusions, I could definitely feel the change,” she recalled. “I could sit up in bed and talk and understand more of what was going on around me. It was a major change, and I was thankful to have it.”

Three days later, she was able to return home to recover with her family and their newest addition.

“I was so excited to come home to see my daughter. I remember holding her and just getting to soak her up, getting to look at all the features. It was one of the best feelings,” Megan said.

“I wouldn’t have made it home to be with my children if it wasn’t for blood donors. I am healthy and I have recovered because of the blood donations I received,” she said. “To those donors, thank you. Now, I see the importance of blood donation and how it saves people’s lives. I would not be here to raise my daughters without your lifesaving gift.”

You can make a lifesaving difference by donating at a Carter BloodCare donor center or mobile blood drive near you. Help patients in need by calling 800-366-2834 today.

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