Inspiring and sharing the gift of blood donation

The gift of giving blood has powerful effects that span generations, both for transfusion patients and new donors.

Beth Haley shared the inspiration her father provided in continuing his legacy of helping others.

She said her father, Marion Earl “Butch” Walker, was a native Texan and married to his wife, Betty, for 53 years.

Pictured: Beth and parents Betty and Butch Walker

“He worked at his company for 43 years and they would regularly have blood drives,” Beth recalled. “He was proud to give blood, as some other friends were in ill health and could not.

“He would tell me, ‘Be thankful every day for good health, because every day, someone is not waking up,’” Beth said. “He inspired me to become a frequent blood donor also.”

When her father passed away in 2014, Beth continued sharing his volunteer spirit.

“I try to give regularly, especially in memory of his birthday, as well as Christmas, New Year’s or anytime I’m missing him,” she said. “It helps to do something for others.”

Donate at your neighborhood Carter BloodCare donor center or mobile blood drive.

If you have ever received blood or platelets, your transfusion patient experience can save lives by motivating others to donate. Please help and Tell Us Your Story.